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  • Soli Travels

Things I found overrated in Japan (2023)

Japan is an amazing country, so I'm sure you're excited to visit now that tourism has resumed. You've probably seen many Instagram and TikTok videos of delicious food and places to visit, but you may be surprised by some. Here are some popular things in Japan that are (just) slightly overrated in my opinion, following my first visit this year.

Photo credit: Unsplash

Shibuya Crossing

This was a real shocker. The Shibuya Crossing was much smaller in reality than expected and wasn't as impressive as it's made out to be online. In fact, I didn't even notice I had arrived when I was approaching the crossing. The view from Starbucks was equally lukewarm, but it is a cool intersection with all the buildings nonetheless.

Photo credit: Trip Advisor

Katsu sando

Yes, those pork or chicken sandwiches that look deliciously dense and crispy. I must say, they had very little wow factor and were quite literally just plainly seasoned chicken fillets between soft white bread. No mayo, not much flavour or anything. Because of this, I didn't bother trying the fruit versions for fear of disappointment.

Photo credit: Unsplash

Vending machines

I was under the impression that many of the vending machines stocked a variety of goods with advanced tech. But no, during my 2 week visit across Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka, all the vending machines I came across just sold drinks. The ones that stock a wide and unusual selection of goods are out there, the question is where?

Photo credit: Unsplash

Takeshita Street, Harajuku

I was so excited to visit Takeshita Street expecting to enter into a new world of Harajuku girls, eclectic fashion, spectacular street food, shops and quirky items. Nothing really stood out during this visit. Not even the rainbow toast!

Photo credit: Unsplash

The Arashiyama Bamboo Grove

While I still found the Bamboo Grove spectacular, in videos and images you'd think the path is far longer. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but I suppose the height of the bamboo trees gives the illusion that the route goes on and on.

In all fairness, these observations are minor and Japan is still a wonderful country to visit with much to offer, so do make sure you visit these sights and enjoy the experience.


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